Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Perseverance said the man.

Image made with a Ciroflex TLR 82mm f3.5 on Ilford Delta 100
Inspiration comes from many sources, all you have to do is listen. Two years ago I was buying a couch for my studio I was preparing to open and received the best advice that was ever accidentally proffered to me. "Perseverance is all it takes" said the man in the wheelchair. Simple, elegant, and completely accidental. It was said to no one and definitely not offered as some sage advice to young artist. It was simply an off handed statement about dealing with everyday bureaucracy and how to overcome it. But, this simple statement has followed me relentlessly. Every time a project seemingly falls apart or another rejection letter comes in the mail, this simple statement comes to mind. I believe it is more powerful than all I learned in business school. Theory is one thing, practice is something completely different. The simple act of perseverance is what stands between those that achieve and those that fail. I think every person regardless of profession should be given the opportunity to learn the power of perseverance, as you cannot be forced to learn it. People need to be provided the setting that allows them to learn the lesson. I wish it was one that was taught to me long ago. It is always easy to walk away, but to return time after time and refuse to fail is where breakthroughs and success lie. But maybe it is a lesson that you can only learn when you are ready to accept it.

Good Health and Travels,
We will be on the road and not updating the blog for a couple weeks.

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